My 31 Reasons to Love BEEF!

Today is May Day!  This date marks my favorite time of the year!  For my husband and I, May is also one of the busiest times of the year.  The weather has warmed, the grass has greened, and the days are getting noticeably longer.  And those three things mean we rarely eat supper before 9:30!

May begins the time when we start artificially inseminating (AI) heifers and cows, which we have been busy doing the past few days.  We typically are busy AIing our animals or a neighbor’s most of the month.  AIing cows is extremely time consuming, but it is also very rewarding the following spring when our calves are born.

Some of my other fun events in May include a trail ride with some girlfriends, my 4H working ranch horse clinic, the Kentucky Derby (watched from my living room), Mothers Day and of course Memorial weekend.  But one of the biggest reasons I love May is it is National Beef Month!

My Mom poses with some of my cows.

I am very passionate about the lifestyle I choose to live.  It is a 365 day a year lifestyle.  We rarely get vacations, we have a love – hate relationship with Mother Nature and animals dictate what time we can eat supper at night.  We can be found caring for our animals at all hours of the day, often in some of the nastiest weather that is thrown at us.  Raising cattle is hard work, but the end product is also very gratifying.  There really isn’t much that can compare to the feeling I get when I am told from a consumer that the beef I raised was magnificent and they can’t wait till their next piece of beef.   I love to help consumers like you understand why we as beef farmers and ranchers do what we do.

And thats where the idea came to write this blog, from the passion I have towards beef!

In honor of National Beef Month and May Day, I am going to share with you my 31 Reasons to Love Beef!  One for each day of May.  I have had a lot of fun writing this blog, and I hope you enjoy reading it!

A calf enjoys a late spring meal!

 1. Beef is Natures best tasting multi vitamin!  On average, one 3-ounce serving of lean beef is only 154 calories yet a naturally rich source of 10 essential nutrients – including protein, iron, zinc and B-vitamins.

2. Beef can be part of a healthy diet: Research shows naturally nutrient-rich lean beef can be an important part of a heart healthy diet and when trimmed of visible fat, lean beef can be a part of a low saturated fat diet and does not increase heart disease risk factors. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle, including diet, nutrition, exercise and fitness all help combat heart disease.

3. Beef contains healthy fat: Half the fat in beef is monounsaturated, the same heart-healthy kind found in olive oil.

4. Stearic Acid:  One-third of the saturated fat in beef is stearic acid, which has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol levels and is the same fat recognized in chocolate for its benefits.

5. Packs a protein punch: Not all proteins are created equal.  Lean beef is a complete, high quality protein that contains all the essential amino acids your body needs for optimal health. A substantial body of evidence shows protein can help in maintaining a healthy weight, building muscle and fueling our busy days – all of which play an important role in a healthful lifestyle and disease prevention.

6. It takes seven tablespoons (680 calories) of peanut butter to get the same amount of protein in one serving of lean beef (154 calories).

7. Iron: Red meat is a rich source of iron. Low iron may lead to fatigue, headaches and dizziness. Women of child-bearing age, infants and children are most likely to be deficient due to their increased level of need for iron.

8. Zinc:  This mineral plays an important role in human health. It is essential for immune system function and can combat the effects of premature aging due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

9. B Vitamins:  Beef is a potent source of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12.  B vitamins are essential to cognitive and emotional function. B vitamin deficiency is linked to depression.

10. Vitamin A:  Vitamin A is noted for its positive effects on health. This vitamin promotes fertility, good vision and immunity. Inadequate maternal intake of vitamin A prior to and during pregnancy has been linked to birth defects.

11. The 29 cuts of lean beef: With more than 29 lean cuts of beef, including favorites like flank steak, tenderloin, 95 percent lean ground beef and T-Bone, it’s easy to find a variety of delicious, heart-healthy beef options for your next meal!

12. The USDA defines “lean” as less than 10 grams of total fat per 3-ounce serving.

13. Lean cuts of beef have 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol (per 3-ounce serving).

14. Additionally, 20 of the 29 lean beef cuts have, on average, only 1 more gram of saturated fat than a skinless chicken breast per 3-ounce serving.  Why skimp on the flavor alone!

15. Lean beef provides more nutrients in fewer calories than most other animal proteins.

16. A 3-ounce serving of lean beef contributes less than 10% of the calories in a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet.

17. Speaking of lean beef, we can’t forget the tenderloin! This cut is about as good as it gets! Whether you grill it as a whole roast or cut it into steaks, it is tender and flavorful.

18. Beef has 8 times more vitamin B12, 6 times more zinc and 2.5 times more iron than a skinless chicken breast.

19. The cut of beef with the lowest amount of calories, saturated fat and total fat is eye round roast and steak, with only 144 calories, 1.4 grams of saturated fat and 4 total grams of fat in a 3-ounce serving.

20. Ensure your family has a safe and savory experience by cooking hamburgers to an internal temperature of 160F.

21. Food is a huge part of my life, and not only does BEEF taste great, but it makes perfect sense!

22. The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program.  This program educates and outlines the essential elements for ensuring healthy, well-cared for cattle.  More than 90% of American Beef is raised under BQA program standards, helping ensure the highest level of care.

23. To date, cattle farmers and ranchers have invested more than $28 million of beef checkoff dollars in safety research.

24. Today’s farmers and ranchers use fewer natural resources to provide a growing population with affordable beef.

I had to share this picture! My brother sent it to me and I thought it was very fitting!

25. The US supplies 25% of the world’s beef with 10% of the world’s cattle.

26. We believe in leaving the environment in better shape for the next generation.  Preserving our country’s natural resources is as important to me as it is to you. America’s farmers and ranchers are dedicated to protecting the environment and improving the land.  From modern farming practices to cross fencing and rotational grazing, we improve the land generation after generation.

27. Less than one percent of the United States population raises the food that feeds people here and abroad. Now that’s a small percentage for such a large and growing population!

28. Not only do we raise quality beef, but America’s farmers and ranchers have environmental goals such as nurturing wildlife, preventing erosion and conserving water.

29.  Cattle convert land that couldn’t otherwise be used to raise food into nutritious beef.

30. America’s farmers and ranchers care for our animals, 365 days a year, at all hours of the day and in all weather.  We value the product we raise and take great pride in providing you, the consumer, with a healthy and tasty beef for your family.  From pasture to plate, you can count on America’s farmers and ranchers!

31. And this is MY final reason for eating meat: It just tastes good darned it!  I crave it on a daily basis. I am lethargic both physically and mentally without it. I also have canine teeth, designed for eating meat. I believe there is a biological reason I crave meat: My body needs it!

I just gave you 31 reasons to love beef.  I believe the nutritional benefits are second to none.  While I would be able to “survive” without meat, my life would not be as satisfying!

You now have 31 reasons to enjoy beef during National Beef Month! Kick off the summer grilling season in style and impress your friends with a succulent piece of BEEF! Enjoy!

I think a juicy grilled steak will be on our menu tonight in honor of May Day and National Beef Month!

Here is a picture of our friends and neighbors gathering a pasture before spring works began a few weeks ago. We are very thankful for everyone that comes and helps!

About Husker Cowgirl

I am a regional sales manager for Turnkey Computer Systems feedyard accounting software and an avid Husker fan. I am passionate about agriculture and especially beef cattle. I enjoy ranching the old fashioned way - using horses. I also enjoy taking my horses to town and competing with them at local, state and national events on the weekends.
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5 Responses to My 31 Reasons to Love BEEF!

  1. Robyn says:

    Excellent post full of good information! Your words and tone express your passion about Ag.

    Good Luck AIing. We did a lot of AI work growing up. My husband’s family does not AI. We are having our big calf branding on Firday.

    May is a busy month with working calves, getting pairs to grass, working yearlings and getting them to grass. Not to mention Graduation too.

    Thank You for adding me to your “Blog I Follow” list!

  2. Lorna says:

    I have to share this post 🙂 We start AI in about a week’s time too – lots of work.

    V wet here in Ireland at the moment and cold too. Most animals are back in with the cows out only during the day and grass growth is nil at the mo. Hope it brightens up soon 🙂

  3. Nebraska Farm Wife says:

    I just stumbled across your blog this morning and from what little time I spent looking at it so far I am really glad I did. My hubby and I too live in central Ne and own a farm/ranch and love every minute of this life some minutes more than others. As I was reading your story I was seeing so much of us in you! I am going to post the link to your blog on my own blog and add it to my list of favorites!!! Thank you for sharing what we do so passionately everyday with our consumers!!
    WooHoo For BEEF Month!!!

  4. Thanks for a great post! Just shared this post with our Facebook followers. #EATBEEF

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